From Sam,LFTI’s South Asia Director


At seven years old, Rahani and 37 other children were rescued from a brothel in South Asia. 

Rahani endured years of abuse, which made her extremely sick. Because of a terrible cough, everyone avoided her. Instead of servicing clients, the owner forced her to clean the brothel stalls. She went in after each customer left – this happened 15-20 times a day per stall.

There was little chance of Rahani and the other children escaping or being freed. But LFTI got word of their situation and partnered with local authorities to help.

During the rescue, I saw Rahani huddled in a corner, coughing. I wondered why she wasn’t coming with the other kids.

I knelt down and motioned for her to come forward. She asked, “Can I come with you, too?”

It is LFTI’s policy to rescue every child, so I wasn’t leaving without her. However, Rahani didn’t know that. She had been told she was worthless and assumed she would be left behind. 

But every single boy and girl, including Rahani, was rescued from that brothel.

Praise God! 


After the rescue, we drove through the night to the LFTI transition home. On the way, we stopped to take a break and eat. 

All the children had hot lemon rice and hard-boiled eggs. Everyone except Rahani began eating. She sat alone, staring at her food. I asked why she wasn’t eating. She replied, “Why is this hot?” Sadly, she had never seen hot food before. After I encouraged her to take a bite, she realized how good it was.

As she ate, I went to the nearest store and got her cough medicine. When she finished eating, she climbed into our van with the other kids. I put down blankets and gave her the medicine. She was asleep within minutes, and we were back on our way to safety.

After arriving at the transition home and getting settled, we took the children for a medical check-up. Unfortunately, when they got to Rahani, the doctor confirmed she had tuberculosis. He said, “She’s just a street kid and probably won’t make it. I wouldn’t waste money treating her.” 
As you can imagine, I didn’t see eye to eye with the doctor.

Thankfully, we were able to start treatment right away. Your support ensures children like Rahani receive the medical care they need. The staff and I visited Rahani every day at the hospital until she was cleared to return to the transition home.

Weeks later, an LFTI counselor asked Rahani where she was from. She may have been born there or taken there when she was young. Regardless, Rahani had no memory of life before the brothel, and no concept of a mother and father. 

Little did she know that these two words – mother and father – would soon become very important to her.


Five Years Before Rahani’s Rescue

Ajay and Reena were a young married couple who had been trying to conceive, with no success. Where they live, having no children is seen as a curse. Neighbors feared the curse on Ajay and Reena would affect their own families. No one would even look at them, and Ajay’s parents disowned them. They were cast out and not allowed to live in their neighborhood.

For months, Ajay and Reena prayed to gods and goddesses, made sacrifices, and even shaved their heads in petition for a child.

One morning while shopping, they encountered a missionary from a church that partners with LFTI. When the missionary heard about their situation, he asked to pray for them. 

Ajay and Reena said, “Well, we already prayed to everyone else. Why not pray to Jesus, too?”

The missionary also invited them to church. Over time, Ajay and Reena grew in their faith and became part of the church family. During this time, Reena and Ajay continued praying for a child. They were overjoyed to learn about adopting through LFTI.

After a long vetting process, Reena and Ajay were so excited to meet her. 

Ajay knew Rahani did not understand the role of a father. When they met, he said, “It means protector,” he told her. “Everything I have is yours, including my life. I will take care of you.”

When Rahani went home permanently with them a few months later, Reena and Ajay hosted a dedication ceremony for her at the church. They invited me to attend as well.

Ajay shared, “I have seen what God will do in front of those who have disowned us. Rahani and my wife and I had nowhere to go. But through this ministry, God restored not just Rahani, but our whole family.” 

The day I saw Rahani crouching down in the corner of the brothel, I never imagined she would have such an impact on a family. But I have seen it so many times, year after year in this ministry. God takes the outcasts and turns them into the leaders, peacemakers, and lights of the next generation.

Your Involvement

Between now and December 31, we are praying for $250,000 to care for 168 rescued boys and girls through the LFTI Family Christmas Challenge.

If you’ve already given, thank you so much! If not, will you boost this year’s Challenge with a special year-end Christmas gift? 

Your generosity will provide housing, medical care, education, counseling and adoption for a rescued child. 

On behalf of the LFTI children, thank you for letting them know they are seen, wanted and loved. 

With gratitude, 

Sam Kumar

South Asia Program Director