Your donation today can bring new life to a child rescued from trafficking in South Asia.
Most have been orphaned, traumatized, and abused – but healing IS possible.
The average cost for all post-rescue services for one child is $1,485 ($124/month). Gifts of ALL amounts help change a life.
LFTI is pleased to partner with Candid (formerly Guidestar) and earn a 2024 Gold Transparency Seal:
Or WRITE A CHECK: Make payable to Life for the Innocent and mail to P.O. Box 542 Wheaton, IL 60187.
LFTI is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization. All U.S. gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Tax ID: 47-4070550

Your Gift
You can provide NEW LIFE for a child rescued from human trafficking:
$1,485 ($124/month, $4/day) can provide a child’s post-rescue care:
( $75 + $90 + $75 + $70 + $100 + $425 + $650 = $1,485 )

More Ways to Give

Mail a Check
Mail a Check
Make checks payable to Life for the Innocent and mail to:
Life for the Innocent
PO Box 542
Wheaton, IL 60187

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